Referring Students to Accommodations
Faculty may refer students if they might need accommodations.
Students may need to be referred to accommodations if they mention previous accommodations, such as an IEP, 504 plan, MDT, or other accommodations agreements; a disability or diagnosis; an upcoming surgery or injury; or that they are seeing a therapist.
Many students aren’t aware of accommodations in general, and especially that mental health can be a reason for accommodations. It is helpful to educate students about what options are available for them.
In referring students, faculty can ask about accommodations, but not disability. Some students may disclose disabilities or diagnoses, but it is their legal right to keep that information confidential if they so choose.
To refer students, faculty can send the Student Accommodations & Accessibility Office the General Accommodations Referral Form, or use the information on that form to email the Student Accommodations Specialist. They can also email the Student Accommodations Specialist with the student cc’d to connect the student to the Student Accommodations & Accessibility Office.