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Notification of Accommodations

Notification of Accommodations

The Student Accommodations Specialist sends Accommodations Plans, either academic (full-semester) or temporary (valid only during specific dates), to faculty via email. 

Accommodations are legally valid at the time the notification email is sent to faculty and must remain confidential. All listed accommodations are available to the student. 

Once the Accommodations Plan is sent, faculty determine how to implement each accommodation. The Student Accommodations Specialist can support faculty in implementing accommodations through Canvas, proctoring exams, and other means. 

Faculty should respond to the notification emails about academic accommodations within about two weeks to notify the Student Accommodations Specialist of whether or not they’ve communicated with the student about their accommodations. 

The Student Accommodations Specialist can reach out to follow up with students to facilitate communication about their accommodations. 

Concussion accommodations are valid until the student is off of concussion protocol through Midland University. The Student Accommodations Specialist notifies faculty when the student is off of concussion protocol by responding to the notification of temporary accommodations email thread that the student has been cleared and the accommodations are no longer valid. Faculty who are unsure if a student has been cleared or not can contact the Student Accommodations Specialist to follow up with the specific AT about a student’s concussion protocol. 

Confidentiality Reminders

Accommodations are confidential. Any questions regarding accommodations need to first be directed to the Student Accommodations & Accessibility Office. Faculty can also direct questions to their department heads and Deans, but not their colleagues or other students. 

Faculty can meet with students to discuss their accommodations if needed, as long as it is done in a private setting to ensure student confidentiality. 

Students’ diagnosis or disability information remains confidential unless a student chooses to disclose that information. Students work with the Student Accommodations & Accessibility Office in requesting accommodations for approval. Faculty cannot require any documentation of a disability beyond the Accommodations Plan sent from the Student Accommodations & Accessibility Office.

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