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International Student Information

International Student Information

Welcome. On behalf of our campus community, I would like to welcome you to Midland and Fremont, Nebraska. We are excited to have you here.

At Midland, you are joining a tight-knit community of 1,200 students. We are proud to have over 25 countries represented on campus. While at Midland, you will have the opportunity to make lifelong friendships and connections that will serve you beyond your time here. 

The diversity of students from all over the world helps strengthen our understanding among all students as neighbors in a global society. The acts of learning and sharing knowledge together prepares us all to be better collaborators and lead with purpose in a global society.

You are a valued member of our campus community and we are here to support your success. The resources highlighted here are just a few of the things that we think will be helpful to you as you start your journey as a Warrior. Beyond these resources, there is an active network of people across campus invested in your success – fellow students including the Global Warriors student group, faculty, student success advisors, coaches, staff – who are all part of the team that will support you and uplift you.

You have taken the courageous step of studying at a university outside of your home country. We applaud your willingness to embrace new experiences and also hope to create a space where you also feel your personal heritage can be honored. Make connections, get involved, and when you need it, ask for help. We look forward to working alongside you to support your personal goals and aspirations. 

Again, welcome to Midland. We are glad to have you as a part of our campus community.

Kristina Cammarano
VP for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer

Tips for Being Successful
  • Remember to:
    • Maintain your immigration status.
    • Read everything you sign.
    • Check your Midland email daily.
    • Watch your I-20 and Passport expiration dates.
    • Understand your insurance policy and know where to go in case of a medical emergency.
    • Manage your time.
    • Participate in off-campus activities.
    • Read the syllabus for each class.
    • Develop your note taking skills.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
General and Emergency Medical Care
  • Off-campus 
    • Health-care facilities include: hospitals, urgent care, walk-in clinics, pharmacies, eye care, dental care, chiropractics, and psychiatry.
    • Three Rivers Public Health
      • 2400 N Lincoln Ave. Fremont, NE 68025, (402) 727-5396
    • Methodist Fremont Health
      • 450 E 23rd St, Fremont, NE 68025, (402) 721-1610
    • MedExpress Urgent Care
      • 1240 E 23rd St, Fremont, NE 68025, (402) 721-8668
    • Pharmacies: Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS
  • What is a medical emergency?
    • A medical emergency is any situation in which a doctor is needed immediately. Examples include a broken bone, a head or neck injury, heavy bleeding, or a severe car accident.
    • The biggest mistake many students make is going to a hospital emergency room when they do not have a medical emergency. Emergency rooms are places for true medical emergencies, and if you are waiting with a non-emergency, you will be considered low priority, and will have to wait a very long time, often for hours.
    • If you or anyone else is critically injured or not able to move or drive, call 911 immediately. A dispatcher will answer and request specific information about your location and the nature of the injury or illness. Do not hang up the phone until the dispatcher directs you to do so. An ambulance will arrive shortly, and sometimes a fire truck or police will also respond. Treatment will be provided on-site or the victim will be transported to a hospital. Ambulances are expensive, and should only be used in an emergency. You can call 911 to get police, fire, or medical assistance in any serious emergency.


  • F-1 students may not work off-campus during the first academic year, but may accept on-campus employment subject to certain conditions and restrictions. After the first academic year, F-1 students may engage in three types of off-campus employment:
  • Career Studio
    • Midland has a great Career Services Department at your disposal. Use their resources as it is free and can help you with things such as searching for job and internship opportunities, resume writing, and interviews. 
    • It is located on the second floor of the Olsen Student Center (OSC).

On-Campus Employment

  • Your Visa will only allow you to work on campus. Your Visa requirements state that you may only work 20 hours per week. You may apply for on-campus employment up to 30 days before the start of classes.
  • See steps below for how to apply for a work study position and obtain your Social Security Number.
  • Off-Campus Employment
    • Curricular Practical Training (CPT) 
      • An alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university. 
      • You must be an F-1 student and have completed one full academic year of study at an SEVP-certified school
      • Training must relate directly to your major area of study.
      • Training is an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.
      • Reach out to your Student Success Advisor to discuss your degree’s required internship(s) and the proper documentation you will need to obtain.
      • Occurs before the program end date on the Form I-20.
      • Authorization is for one specific employer and for a specific period of time.
      • You must secure the training opportunity before CPT can be authorized.
      • CPT must be authorized before you can begin work.
      • Designated school official (DSO) authorized CPT in SEVIS, and the authorization prints on your Form I-20.
      • You can have more than one CPT authorization at the same time.
      • One year of full-time CPT eliminates your eligibility for OPT.
  • Optional Practical Training (OPT)
    • You can apply for OPT during your program of study, which is known as pre-completion OPT, or after you finish your program of study, known as post-completion OPT.
    • OPT is a 12-month work authorization available to F-1 international students who have been full-time students for at least two consecutive semesters and plan to seek employment in the United States in their fields of study.
    • You may apply up to 90 days prior to completion of studies or during the 60-day grace period following completion of studies. 
    • You should apply for OPT as early as possible to ensure that you receive the full 12 month OPT authorization period.
    • Training relates directly to your  major area of study.
    • DSO recommends OPT in SEVIS.
    • You have 30 days to pay the I-765 fee and submit the rest of the required documentation to SEVIS. 
    • You do not have to secure training before the DSO can recommend OPT.
    • Authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and you are issued an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).
    • Work cannot begin until the employment authorization card for OPT has been received.
    • Allows you to work for any employer, as long as the training relates to your major course of study.
    • Periods of OPT cannot overlap.
    • You are eligible for an additional 12 months of OPT authorization, when they change to a higher educational level.
  • How to apply for a job
    • First, you will need to create a profile on Handshake in order to apply for jobs. 
      • Go to or download the Handshake app.
      • Log in with your Midland credentials 
      • Follow the prompts to set up a profile (Filling out the ‘interests’ section will really help employers notice you!)
      • On the Handshake home page, click on the “jobs” icon.
      • On the jobs page, click on the job search filter, “on-campus.”
      • Look through the posted on-campus work study jobs, and apply for any of interest to you. (We recommend you apply for several).
      • Be sure to keep track of the position titles and the supervisors for each job. It is a good idea to email them later to further express your interest.
    • After you receive a job offer, you will need to apply for a Social Security Number with the United States government. All students who receive wages from an employer, either by working or participating in a training opportunity, must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN). Wait 10 days after arriving in the U.S. to apply for your SSN.
      • After you receive a job offer, reach out to your supervisor and request a signed work-study contract.
        • Employees and supervisors must sign the contract.
      • Acquire other necessary documents:
        • Form I-20 (not older than 12 months)
        • Valid Passport (along with old passport if it contains Visa)
        • Form SS-5: can be filled out prior, also available at the SS-office; if living on-campus, use dorm address or Midland address: 900 N. Clarkson St, Fremont, NE 68025; if living off-campus use off-campus address)
        • Form I-94, most recent copy
      • Apply for a Social Security Number at the nearest location: Omaha- 604 N. 109th Ct., Omaha, NE 68154; Phone: (866)716-8299
      • It takes 2-4 weeks to receive your SS card by mail. You are able to work once you are accepted. Talk to your supervisor once all steps above are completed successfully.
Income Tax
  • All international students who are physically present in the US are required to complete Form 8843 regardless of earned income or not. All students who earned income are required to report their earnings to the IRS and state government. April 15th is the deadline each year for completing tax forms for the previous year. 
  • Nonresident tax payers cannot file U.S. taxes electronically – any return done electronically by a nonresident will be filed incorrectly. This information comes from a local IRS nonresident expert. Nonresidents must complete and mail paper forms.
Driver’s License

Driver’s License

  • As an F-1 or J-1 student, you are eligible to get a Nebraska driver’s license. Getting your driver’s license means you will not have to carry your passport and I-20 form with you.
    • First of all, you need to pass a written test. The written test consists of 25 multiple-choice questions, which are shown with pictures. You can prepare for the test with a driver’s manual.
    • Then you have to pass a driving test with an examiner in the car. It is ideal if you can use someone’s car to take the test as it is not common to use a test vehicle. 
    • The nearest DMV is in Fremont’s courthouse: 435 N Park Ave., Fremont, NE 68025; Phone (402)727-2902
      • Typically DMV’s are very busy so make sure you have 2-3 hours available.
  • You will also require the following documents:
    • Driver’s License Form 
    • Passport
    • Form I-20 (not older than 12 months)
    • Most recent Form I-94 
    • If applicable, home country driver’s license 
    • 2 pieces of mail for proof of current address (i.e. bills, bank-statement, online receipt) 
    • Money to pay the application fee
  • If you already have a driver’s license from your home country, in most cases, you will only have to complete the written test at the DMV. 
  • It takes up to two weeks to receive your Driver’s License in the mail.
Car Insurance
  • It is illegal and dangerous to drive without car insurance. If you have an old car, you must have at least liability coverage. This means that your insurance would cover damage to the other person in case of a collision. Full coverage is recommended if you have a new car which you will wish to resell later. You must get insurance as soon as possible after purchasing your car. You cannot register your car without insurance. In addition, if you are caught by the police driving without insurance, you will be cited and fined. 
  • Insurance rates vary by the type of car, your age, and even where you live. Discounts may be available for students who earn good grades. You must ask the insurance company if these discounts are available to you. 
  • Generally speaking, there are two types of insurance: liability and full-coverage. Liability insurance compensates the other victim(s) in an accident. It is required. Full-coverage insurance, however, will pay both you and the other driver in the event of an accident. The price of full-coverage insurance is almost twice that of liability insurance. It is not required, but is a good policy to have if your own car is valuable. Car insurance is usually sold on a six-month contract basis.
Academic Requirements
  • Academic Requirements
    • International students must maintain full-time status while in the U.S. Full time enrollment at Midland University is defined at 12 credits per semester if you are an undergraduate student. 
    • Never drop below full-time status without first obtaining permission from both your Advisor and DSO.
  • International students are allowed an annual break for one term per year. The traditional annual vacation is summer term. Any requests for an annual term in a semester other than summer must be approved by a DSO. 
    • If you have medical circumstances that necessitates a reduced course load, a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychiatrist will need to provide documentation to verify the reason for the reduced course load. 
    • Online Classes: U.S. immigration regulations restrict the number of online classes an F-1 student can count towards their full-time enrollment each semester. Only one online class (up to 3 credit hours) can count towards full-time enrollment during any and all semesters. 
  • See the Academic Catalog to review the University’s Academic Policies and Procedures. You will also find an outline of the grading scale. Review your major’s grade and GPA requirements in order to Graduate.
  • Academic Engagement
    • Student/Instructor Relationship: It is expected that you will ask questions and discuss topics with your instructor in and outside of the classroom. You should refer to a professor by their last name unless instructed otherwise. 
      • Every instructor will provide a course syllabus that outlines expectations and requirements for the course. Read it!
    • Missing Class: You are expected to go to class on time, participate, and notify your instructor ahead of time if you will be absent. It is better to be late to class than to skip class. If you must miss class because of illness, you may need a doctor’s excuse, especially if you have a long illness and you must miss several classes. Ask your professors for their policies on missing class. They may also be included in the syllabus. It is also recommended to notify your professor beforehand if you know you will be absent from a class. 
  • Academic Honesty
    • Midland University’s policies on academic integrity can be found in the Academic Catalog. The University adheres to the International Center for Academic Integrity’s (2013) definition of academic integrity as the commitment to honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity.
    • Examples of academic dishonesty include: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, sabotage, substitution, and facilitating academic dishonesty.
    • These actions and subsequent penalties may affect your F1 Status and may result in termination of your SEVIS record and leaving the United States immediately. 
  • Academic Resource Center
    • All students at Midland University have access to the Academic Resource Center (ARC). The ARC includes the Writing Lab, Quiz Lab, Learning Lab, and Supplemental Instruction. 
      • It is located in the Luther Library.
American Culture and Student Life
  • What is Culture Shock?
    • Culture shock entails feeling a sense of dislocation and general unease. 
    • Signs of culture shock include feeling angry, uncomfortable, confused, frustrated or irritable. It often results in one withdrawing and spending excessive amounts of time alone. You develop negative feelings about the people and culture of the host country. It may lead to boredom, fatigue, and the inability to concentrate or work effectively. 
    • You can respond to culture shock by acknowledging your feelings. Learn the rules and customs of your host country. Get involved in some aspect of the culture through your campus community and student organizations. Make friends and develop relationships. Take care of yourself. Do something that reminds you of home, but avoid idealizing life back home.
  • Alcoholic/Beverages 
    • It is illegal to drink beer, wine, or any other alcoholic beverage in the U.S. if you are under the age of 21. It is illegal to give beer, wine, or other alcohol to people under the age of 21. It is illegal for anyone to drink while driving, and it is illegal to drive any vehicle while drunk. It is illegal to be drunk in public. 
    • Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances are not allowed on Midland’s campus regardless of age.
  • Student Life
    • Student life consists of 33 varsity intercollegiate sports, vocal and instrumental music, drama, student publications, student government, campus ministries, sororities and fraternities, intramural and club sports, departmental clubs, and academic and social organizations.
    • Learn more about these various clubs and organizations.
  • Global Warriors
    • All international students are automatically a member of this international student organization.
    • The aim of Global Warriors is to serve as a place of support for International Students where all cultures represented are being embraced, as well as, to provide factual information about living in the U.S.
  • U.S. Holidays 
    • The following holidays are observed by the campus during the Academic Calendar, classes are canceled.  
      • Labor Day
      • Thanksgiving
      • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
      • Easter
    • Students also receive a Fall Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break.
Living in Fremont
  • Banking and Debit Cards
    • If you do not have a U.S. bank account, you may consider opening an account at a local bank or credit union. If you obtain a job you can have your paycheck deposited directly into your bank account.
      • You will then be able to withdraw cash from your account or use a debit card. 
    • Midland University has partnerships with Pinnacle Bank, First National Bank, and First State Bank.
        • Pinnacle Bank has waived their wire transfer fee for all International students at Midland University. 
    • To set up an account you will need to go to the bank. Take your Passport and Visa. You will need funds to deposit into the account. 
  • Cell Phone Providers
    • Option 1: Check with your cell phone provider to determine what your international coverage entails. You may be able to add international coverage to your plan. However, it may be expensive.
    • Option 2: Purchase a preloaded SIM Card
      • Typically $15-30, which includes a preloaded value that you can add to, as needed.
      • Your phone must be unlocked in order to utilize a U.S. SIM card. 
      • Consider purchasing a SIM card online and installing it before you leave so that you have instinct coverage upon arrival. 
        • You can purchase a SIM card through Walmart, Amazon, or one of the following providers.
    • Option 3: Purchase a local phone plan and SIM card from one of the providers listed below.
    • Wi-Fi: When possible use free wi-fi to communicate. You will have access to free wi-fi on-campus. Off-campus wi-fi may be accessible in coffee shops, fast food restaurants, and retail stores, but this is not always the case. 
      • Remember to consider what information you are accessing and sharing on public vs. private wifi networks to keep your information secure.
      • WhatsApp is not commonly used in the U.S., but many international students utilize it to communicate with each other and back home.
    • Affordable Plans:
      • FreedomPop
      • Total Wireless
      • Straight Talk
      • Simple Mobile
    • Major Providers:
      • Verizon
      • AT&T
      • T-Mobile 
      • Sprint
      • U.S. Cellular
  • Internet
    • When you arrive on campus you will be given a free iPad. You will need to pick it up from the Luther Library on campus. Additionally, you will have access to desktop computers in the library.
    • You will have access to the “MUWarriors” Wi-Fi network.  Visitors to campus will have temporary access to the “WarriorGuest” Wi-Fi network after a quick self-registration process.
    • Midland University requires two factor authentication, when logging into Midland University Applications.  We recommend using the Microsoft Authenticator app installed on your phone, and a phone number or alternate email as a backup option.
    • The Help Desk handles both technical support requests and service requests. If you need to speak with someone, stop by the Help Desk located in the library. You can also submit a support ticket by emailing
  • Local Services
    • Mail and Parcel Delivery 
      • The United States Postal Service (USPS) has the primary responsibility for delivering mail. Regular mail (letters, magazines, and packages) will be delivered to your address. On-campus every student has a mailbox that they can have their mail sent to. Each student is assigned a mailbox number when they move onto campus. The mailroom is located in the Olsen Student Center (OSC) on the second floor. 
      • Address: Recipient’s Name
        Mailbox number
        907 N. Logan
        Fremont, NE 68025
    • Shopping 
      • Fremont is located 20 minutes from west Omaha. Downtown Fremont contains antique stores, craft and art stores, classic bookstores, and repurposed furniture stores. For more information check out the Visit Fremont and Dodge County website.
      • Omaha offers a wide variety of shopping malls, specialty boutiques, discount department stores, and thrift stores, which sell second-hand goods. For a full directory of shopping outlets in Omaha, check out the shopping section at Visit Omaha
    • Sales Tax 
      • In the Fremont/Omaha area, you have to pay sales tax of about 7 percent on all items (except grocery food items) that you purchase.
    • Dining Out and Tipping Practice 
      • Omaha is a “restaurant city” with nearly every type of food available. Dining out can be considerably more expensive than purchasing groceries and cooking yourself. It is customary to tip the waiter or waitress when you pay for your meal, either by leaving cash on the table or adding gratuity to the receipt when you pay by credit or debit card. The amount of the tip should reflect the quality of service you received; however, a tip of 15 to 20 percent is considered necessary, as service workers rely largely on tips for their earnings.
    • Grocery Stores 
      • Sell most foods you will need, including a full selection of fresh produce.
        • Your first time checking out at a grocery store, sign-up for the store’s rewards card in order to save money on your purchases. 
      • Baker’s (15 minute walk from campus)
      • Hy-Vee (6 min. drive/30 min. walk)
      • Walmart- grocery and retail store (7 min. drive)
      • Aldi (8 min. drive), offers slightly lower prices because they do not bag groceries for you or offer as many specialty foods.
    • The Fremont YMCA is the largest in the United States. Amenities include an Olympic-sized pool, indoor ice rink, indoor walk/job track, and exercise equipment. Students also enjoy visiting the Fremont lakes and parks.
  • Transportation
    • Ride sharing services, such as Lyft and Uber are available in Fremont and Omaha.
    • The Fremont Transit Program is a demand-response, door-to-door transit program providing transportation in Fremont for appointments, shopping, and other trips. 
    • Carpooling with friends and bicycles are great ways to get around the area. 
  • Annual Local Temperature
    • The Mid-West region of the United States, where Nebraska is located, experiences four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring. 
      • Summer weather begins in June and lasts through August. It is typically hot, humid, and with little rain. The average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius or 82  degrees Fahrenheit.  
      • Fall begins in September and lasts until November. It consists of warm days and cool nights. The average temperature is 17 C or 62 F. As winter approaches the days become colder and precipitation increases. 
      • Winter can start in November and run through late February. Snow is common, and temperatures become very cold. The average temperature is 1 C or 33 F. The coldest temperatures are usually in January and February. The “wind chill index” tells you the combined temperature of the air and wind speed. It is often colder than the actual air temperature. 
      • Spring arrives towards the end of March and lasts through May. The weather is cold and wet in early spring, but temperatures begin to increase as summer approaches. The average temperature is 16 C or 60 F.
    • Consider the climate and seasons when taking into account your clothing options. You will need clothes that you can wear on top of each other and a warm winter coat. Such items can be purchased after your arrival.

Nebraska Annual Temperature Chart

DSO Contact Information
  • Email of Designated School Official (DSO)
    Douglas G. Watson
    Director of Financial Aid
    Financial Aid Office, Second Floor Anderson Building
    Fremont Campus

Explore our International Student Guide for more information about the Admissions process.

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