Instrumental Music
Our Instrumental Music program is crafted to be inclusive and welcoming to all students who wish to participate. Our faculty and staff meet you at your skill level and push you to perform to your highest potential. We believe building your repertoire is important, so we play literature spanning over four centuries while remaining relevant through technological resources and cutting-edge music.
Explore Additional Arts Opportunities
As a MidlandUArts student, you receive a truly special collegiate experience uniquely catered to your individual interests and future dreams. Continue to explore all of our offerings, and we hope to welcome you to Warrior Nation soon.
Art + Design
Collaborative Piano
Technical Arts
Vocal Music
Take the Next Step
Visit campus and set the stage for becoming a Warrior. You can even audition during your visit!
Take a step towards receiving a scholarship by submitting an audition!
Join us on social media or request more information to learn more about MidlandUArts.