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Midland University Updates Mask Policy


In accordance with recent changes in the CDC COVID-19 guidelines, and the downgrade in COVID-19 Community Level for Dodge and Douglas counties from high to medium, Midland University will no longer require masks in indoor spaces, effective immediately at both its Fremont and Omaha locations.

“With recent declines in COVID cases, both on campus and in the community, we are relaxing our mask policy on campus,” Midland University President Jody Horner said. “We have followed the guidance of the CDC when it comes to mask regulations, and will continue to do so in the future. Should there be a shift in the current climate, we will be ready to pivot and require masks at that point.”

Midland University was reporting zero positive cases on campus as of March 1.

While masks will no longer be required, the CDC recommends the wearing of masks to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. “Our policy always has been, and always will be, to operate in a manner that keeps our students, faculty, and staff safe,” Horner said. “Anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask is encouraged to do so.”

There may be instances where masks may still be required by a professor. Those instances would include classes or academic activities where it is necessary for students to work in close proximity to each other for an extended period of time, or where the instructor, or a student, has documented health-related issues.

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