Midland University students will have the opportunity to get a closer look at potential careers, internships, and employment opportunities during the Career & Internship Fair Wednesday, February 15 being held on campus from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Hopkins Arena.

Around 90 different employers from the Fremont, Omaha, and Lincoln areas will be on hand to meet and greet students at the annual event.
The Career & Internship Fair serves a purpose for both Midland students and potential employers. Midland University Career Studio Director Brenda Wilberding believes the fair is the perfect avenue for the two parties to familiarize themselves with each other. “This is a great opportunity for our students to get to know these employers, learn what the culture of their workplace is like, and what jobs they have available,” she said. “We have a lot of employers that want to know what the needs of the students are, and what they are looking for in a job. It’s a great recruiting tool for them.”
Whether a student is three months from graduation and seeking a job, or a freshman testing the waters for the first time, Wilberding believes there is value for every student involved. “Some employers need positions filled right away and are looking for a certain skill set that hopefully our students can provide,” she said. “I tell our freshmen that the biggest component of this is to learn about these companies and the opportunities that exist. Build those connections and practice those communication skills. That can be scary at first, but developing those skills can be a powerful tool.”
Beyond employment opportunities, obtaining an internship can set a course for future success. “I saw a statistic from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) that showed more than half of interns end up working full time for the company they intern with,” Wilberding said. “That’s telling me if you land an internship, there’s a great chance you’re going to end up working for that company.”
Wildberding is also finding out that companies are finding success in hiring Midland students, a big reason why there are so many employers who are fixtures at the fair. “We had several businesses from last year’s event that hired students and we love hearing those success stories,” she said. “You have a lot of businesses that are experiencing growth and looking for talented people. We hear a lot of employers talk about the great experiences they’ve had hiring people from Midland.”
Wildberding encourages students to dress for success (meaning wear business casual), bring plenty of copies of their resume, and have an open mind when it comes to talking to employers. “There might be a job within your field, at a place you might not have considered,” she said. “You might not be directly involved in healthcare, but a healthcare employer might need someone in technology or marketing.”
The Career & Internship Fair is a great learning tool for students as they launch a career path. “We can tell our students all day long what we know, but now they are able to have these conversations with employers and ask the questions that are important to them,” Wilberding said. “Once they have those answers, it’s invaluable.”
Any businesses looking to partner with the Midland University Career Studio can email wilberding@midlandu.edu.