The Midland University Academic Resource Center recently became a nationally certified resource center by the College Reading and Learning Association. The ARC achieved that status because of its ability to offer student consultants ongoing training and professional development.
The ARC, located inside the Luther Library, offers a wide variety of free academic services to help students be successful in their classes. The ARC includes the Writing Lab, Quiz Lab, and Learning Lab, along with Supplemental Instruction offerings. There were more than 800 academic visits to the ARC during the 2021 spring semester, and more than 3,200 quizzes were administered through the Quiz Lab. More than 6,600 hours of study hours were logged by Midland University students during the semester.
Janet Lack, Coordinator of the Academic Resource Center, said the certification is beneficial to both Midland students and student consultants. “Having the ARC certified sets us apart. It signifies our consultants are going through extensive and ongoing training as part of the professional development process,” Lack said. “We are providing outstanding services to current students, along with helping our consultants understand the process of professional development as they move forward in their careers.”
Christian Dames, a junior from Scribner, Nebraska, is one of nearly 40 students who serve as ARC consultants during the school year. He views the certification as a valuable asset for the ARC and its consultants. “It helps establish more credibility, and for myself as a consultant, it will look good on my resume,” he said. “In whatever career you choose, you need to learn and adapt continually, and this environment will help prepare you for that.”
For the fall semester, the ARC will be offering virtual study table sessions for students. ARC Learning Lab consultants will host some online study tables and visit with students concerning study skills and study habits. All ARC student workers are Apple Teacher Certified on iPads, and ARC student consultants can help their peers with Notability, Canvas, and time management concerns.
Lack believes the CRLA certification will be an important piece for ensuring students and parents that Midland will provide them with resources to be successful. “Being able to say our Academic Resource Center is nationally recognized is a powerful message to students and parents,” Lack said. “When we have students and their families in for visits, I can assure them that Midland does a marvelous job providing academic support. Not only do we offer these services, but we are continually investing in those services with training and student development.”
To learn more about the Academic Resource Center, visit midlandu.edu/academics/academic-resource-center/.