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Kaitlynn Simon | Faces of Midland


Life Flies By

“Take a second to soak everything in and appreciate where you are. Life flies by faster than you think.” As a senior, Kaitlynn Simon has taken many seconds to soak in where she is at, especially as she prepares for the next chapter of her life. If you fail to appreciate what you have in the now, you risk missing it.

Coming from a small town and a small school, Kaitlynn understands not taking things for granted. It is easy to look for the next big moment, but in doing so you miss out on the good you have in front of you. For Kaitlynn, she has relied on the strong support system she had at home growing up, and the continued support system she had throughout her Midland career. 

“I could not be more proud of my roots. I was involved in everything you could think of, all while being supported by the entire town, and that didn’t change when I began college. It’s an amazing feeling when your hometown was, and still is your biggest support system.”

Having that support system proved important to Kaitlynn when she began looking for colleges. Midland stood out to her because of that similar supportive feel on campus.

“The family atmosphere on campus is exceptional. When I came on a campus visit, I instantly felt like I was home by the way people treated me and how close knit the campus was.”

A business administration major, Kaitlynn didn’t abandon her small town roots in regard to her involvement at Midland. An Anderson leadership athlete, a volleyball player, president of PBL, a financial aid work study, and a Writing Lab consultant, Kaitlynn has made sure to keep up with her involvement. Most recently, her proudest moment as a Warrior occurred as part of the Warrior volleyball team.

“Recently, I helped the Midland volleyball team earn NAIA National Runner-Up, the highest finish Midland volleyball has ever achieved.”

For Kaitlynn, being a Warrior means keeping that Warrior mindset even in the face of challenges. It is through that mentality that you best represent yourself and your university. Kaitlynn encourages incoming freshmen to take the time to enjoy the college experience and get out of your comfort zone.

“Have fun! You do not need to have your whole life planned out. The best things in life are the ones you never saw coming!”

Kaitlynn Simon is a senior business administration major, with concentrations in marketing and management, from Johnson, NE. After graduation, Kaitlynn will begin working for Nature Hills in Omaha, NE as their head email campaign coordinator. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland. 

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