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Josh Lambert | Faces of Midland


Keeping Alive a Family Tradition |

With nearly 150 years of history in his corner, a career in agriculture appears to be a logical path for Josh Lambert.

Basketball may be what brought Josh to Midland, but the chance to major in Agribusiness is what has kept him here.

“I came here because of basketball, but it didn’t really work out, and I decided to step away after my freshman year. At that point, I wasn’t sure what to do. I started as a business major, but then Dr. Nick Schreck (Assistant Professor of Digital Marketing) told me they were going to be adding an Agribusiness major, so I made that switch my sophomore year. I’m glad I stuck it out.”

Josh comes from a long line of farmers in Auburn, Nebraska. The family farm, which consists of about 500 acres, along with some livestock, has been in the family since 1875. His dad is a fifth-generation farmer, and Josh would like to be the sixth.

“I would like to keep the family farm going, along with my brother and sister. I think it would be great for the three of us to build and expand on the farm.”

Josh’s brother is an agronomist, while his sister currently works in horticulture. After graduation in May, Josh plans on spending more time on the farm, learning from his siblings and other farmers in the area. “I’d like to learn more from both my brother and sister. I want to find a job that would involve agronomy and crop production, and maybe sales and marketing as well.”

He’s already taken steps in that career path, having completed a practicum in animal production. He has future practicums planned in both crop production and agricultural sales with Hoegemeyer Hybrids.

His basketball career may have ended, but Josh has found numerous opportunities to remain involved on campus. He has spent the past two years as a Resident Assistant, as well as working at the help desk in the Luther Library and being involved in both FCA and the newly-formed Agribusiness Club.

“Being on the basketball team helped me build friendships right away, and being an RA has expanded that even more. Being able to hang out with friends has helped me keep my mind off other things. They’ve been my rock.

“Midland has been a great opportunity for me. I’ve had many people help me along the way whenever I’ve had troubles or questions.”

Josh Lambert is a senior Agribusiness major from Auburn, Nebraska.

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