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Jenna Schroeder | Faces of Midland


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For Jenna Schroeder, Midland University has been a place that has helped her redefine her passions. Whether in the arts, or her future career, the close-knit community has been instrumental in helping Jenna figure out where she will land.

Jenna began her collegiate career pursuing a performing degree in opera music at Oklahoma City University. After her first semester, Jenna quickly realized she did not want to perform as a career. She transferred to Midland, recalling the school’s arts program.

“After a semester, my passions changed, making me decide I didn’t want to perform for the rest of my life, but I knew I still wanted to do something in the arts. When I was thinking about transferring, I remembered Midland from high school. I thought it could be a good fit, so I visited and realized it was.”

In her time at Midland, Jenna cites the strong bonds she has formed with faculty as instrumental in making her college experience. Making these connections and finding these mentors have helped shape her and provide a constant source of support. 

“I have fostered a lot of really great relationships on campus and have found several mentors on campus. Most closely has been Joel Johnston (Director of Vocal Music). He has been my go-to person here. It is very easy for me to tell him what’s going on in life, and he’s always willing to listen, whether it has to do with Midland or not. You don’t find that in other schools, but you do find it here. Midland has people who want to be a part of your life.”

Whether it has been working in admissions or in arts, Midland has given Jenna ample opportunities to engage in event planning on campus. Through these opportunities, Jenna has fostered a love for event planning. While unsure of which direction she wants to take at graduation, she is interested in pursuing this passion of hers.

“I always say this, and it has a negative connotation, and I don’t want it to, but I’m kind of a control freak. But not in a negative way. I want things to run smoothly, and I want to be able to control the response to events. I want people’s experience from the second they walk in until the moment they leave to be all great. It has been this theme I have experienced, and have found that I am really good at putting out fires, answering that call, and being calm when things don’t go to plan. I feel these opportunities have led to a realization of, ‘Hey, I might be good at this.’”

Reflecting on her talent for staying calm in tense situations, Jenna points to her experiences in arts as a source of this talent. Through the arts, Jenna is accustomed to being in front of people. The arts have taught her composure and clear communication.

“Being in the arts helps you be used to being the face of something. You are someone that people are looking at, so that means having a good public speaking voice and having an energy of performing translates into being that point of contact in planning events.”

Jenna’s experience at Midland has helped bring passions together, shaped who she is, and forged strong relationships with mentors. She urges students to take advantage of every opportunity and the close-knit community Midland offers.

Jenna Schroeder is a senior Arts Management major from Holdrege, NE. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland.

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