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Ellianna Belmont | Faces of Midland


Beating the Odds

“In most cases, the stakes aren’t as high as we make them out to be.” Ellianna Belmont makes sure to remind herself that success isn’t necessarily found in beating the greater odds by focusing on the higher stakes; instead, it is how you approach those odds despite the high stakes involved. It is a belief she applies in every area of her life.

A sophomore psychology major, Ellianna finds herself involved with the dance team, choir, theatre, campus ministries, and the Anderson Leadership program. The fact that Midland’s smaller campus offers a variety of opportunities for involvement was a major influence on her decision to attend here. 

“I decided to come to Midland because of the dance program, as well as the smaller campus and the broad spectrum of majors to choose from. I knew I would be able to be involved in multiple activities, and I loved that aspect.”

The flexibility that Midland provides for its students is something that Ellianna takes advantage of. Though she is a psychology major, her passion for dance is tied to her dream job as a dancer and choreographer. At Midland, she has had the opportunity to choreograph for dance, giving her experiences to aid her in her career aspirations. 

“A major accomplishment for me has been choreographing and teaching at Midland. I got to choreograph two dances in the dance showcase last spring.”

In addition to dance and the arts, Ellianna’s faith is an important part of her life. She has taken an active role in campus ministries and continues to grow in her faith as a college student. 

“My life has been filled with love, family, faith, passion, and dreams as well as hardships and change. Throughout all of the inconsistencies, God has been the only constant. No matter how far I stray, He is always there waiting for me.”

Though her involvement leaves her incredibly busy, Ellianna is happy to have the opportunity to participate in many activities on campus. Time management has been a struggle for her in the past, but by being involved, she can grow and overcome her obstacles. This aligns with how she views the Warrior spirit. 

“To me, being a Warrior means having persistence and a good work ethic. Warriors are go-getters. We dream big and fight hard to achieve our goals.”

Ellianna wants to encourage her peers to get involved and take advantage of the opportunities offered on campus. It is important to develop these connections and, through that, find time to enjoy your experiences.

Ellianna Belmont is a sophomore psychology major from Grand Junction, CO. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland.

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