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Connor Rinn and Tony Rinn | Faces of Midland


A Journey Together |

As twins, Connor and Tony Rinn have always been anchors for each other. Growing up together and taking on life’s chapters together, they are in the midst of their college journey. Like everything before, the juniors are going through it together. 

“About once a day we try to see each other and at least debrief about the day,” Connor said. “It’s always nice to have someone to fall back on that knows me so well and be able to talk to. I definitely wouldn’t want to go to school with anyone else.”

Connor settled on Midland primarily because of the welcoming atmosphere on campus. Following in the footsteps of his father, Connor has aspirations of going into law enforcement. When identifying schools, he wanted one that offered that degree, but also would allow him to continue his wrestling career. Midland had both, in addition to that hospitality.

For Tony, his journey to Midland was more complex. After initially planning to attend Northwest Missouri State, Tony pivoted when he saw an opportunity at Midland to not only continue in his passion for music, but also to wrestle. Pursuing a degree in education like his mother, Tony enjoys the capacity to participate in fine arts on campus.

Tony and Connor were able to experience their freshman year as roommates. For them, being roommates was like picking up where they left off at home. Being able to spend time with each other made the first year incredibly manageable.

“It was really nice having him as a roommate that first semester,” Tony said. “Meeting new people and starting college is overwhelming at first, but then we’d come back to the dorm late at night, it would be just us two and it would be like being at home but in a new place. We had learned to live with each other back at home, so we were pretty successful with each other’s boundaries.”

After being roommates freshman year, the twins have both managed to find their places on campus. Connor continues to wrestle, while Tony has since shifted more of his time to fine arts. While they each have their own friend groups, they have found ways to be able to exist in each other’s worlds.

“We have been able to make friend groups around each other and find ways to branch out, but it’s nice knowing that we will always be around each other,” Tony said. “If Connor ever reaches out about hanging, I am always excited to see him. Even if our social batteries are out, we are happy just being in each other’s presence.”

This year, both Connor and Tony have the unique opportunity to be a part of Midland’s residence life team as resident advisors. They both live in the same hall,  and they have enjoyed the opportunity to serve in these roles together.

“I have been an RA since halfway through my freshman year, and having Tony being one of the other RA’s this year has been a blast,” Connor said. “He’s really good at being an RA. He’s good at creating that fun atmosphere in the dorms and getting people out of their rooms, making those connections with his residents. For me, personally, it reminds me of freshman year where I see him and hang out with him. He helps me be a better RA too, because even though I may have been an RA longer, he’s still been able to show me a thing or two, and teach me what he’s doing on his floor. We complement each other really well.”

As the twins reflect on their college journey together, they consider the importance of striking that balance as siblings in college. College is a place of growth and self-discovery, and as such, it is important to have that time away from a sibling and branch out into new relationships. At the same time, it is important not to abandon that constant anchor in the journey. 

“When we first came here, we thought we were going to anchor on to each other a lot,” Tony said. “But after Connor became an RA, it gave us a natural flow to start meeting other social groups. I’d say, don’t be afraid as siblings of the elasticity of that relationship, because you will always be growing and finding new things about yourself, which is what college is for.”

“I agree with Tony, in that you need to branch out and do your own thing,” Connor said. “I would also say to not be afraid to fall back on your sibling and ask for help when you need it. See them every now and then, because more often than not, they are going to want to see you and interact with you on campus. You’re not too cool to be around your siblings on campus. Find that balance where you are branching out, but also keeping them around.”

From Omaha, NE, Connor and Tony Rinn are junior Criminal Justice and Education majors, respectively. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland.

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