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Alexis Rios | Faces of Midland


Taking a Chance |

Being from California, Alexis Rios never thought she would end up going to school in Nebraska. However, she took a chance and it has proved to be one of the best decisions she has ever made.

For Alexis, her first attraction to Midland came when the opportunity to continue playing soccer presented itself. Playing soccer throughout her high school career, a passion and love for the sport’s fast-paced element developed. When Midland’s program came on her radar, Alexis began looking into the university.

“I always liked soccer, but I didn’t realize until later that I could go to college and continue to play. I like that there are so many plays and ways of playing, it’s always changing and never black and white. It’s a game where you can be creative in scoring.”

While soccer may have put Midland on her radar, Alexis cites the digital marketing program as the reason she decided to come. Growing up, Alexis always had a desire to be in the business world, but in a creative capacity. Digital marketing has helped provide that creative outlet.

“I like to be creative and find unique ways to solve problems. Ever since I was younger, I liked to draw and paint. It is fun to express yourself, and see the different ways that people can express themselves and tackle a different project or assignment.”

Alexis sees her love for marketing and soccer working in tandem with one another. Both require creative problem-solving to reach the objective and both require persistence in trying new things. In this sense, she isn’t surprised she gravitated toward marketing.

“I feel like between both of them, you can’t be afraid to try new things. Trying new things can get a little scary because we are afraid of making mistakes. But that’s just a part of marketing and soccer, because you have to try new things, and you will make mistakes.”

Alexis believes opportunities to take chances are important to seek out, in any part of your life. It is something that she has been working on and Alexis believes that taking chances, even if mistakes are made, is all part of the process.

“We’re not perfect. We are always going to make mistakes, no matter how hard we try not to. The more we get used to making mistakes, the easier it is for us to go back and fix it real fast, and be OK with it.”

After graduation, Alexis sees herself taking another chance by going into advertisement design back in California. Whether she decides to do advertising for a traditional company or entertainment, Alexis feels prepared to take that step forward. It is what her community at Midland has helped prepare her for. 

“I feel like finding a community makes experiences less scary. Being by yourself can be overwhelming, but when you find a community and put yourself out there, you can meet people you otherwise wouldn’t have. Having that support is really important because it builds you up.”

Alexis Rios is a sophomore digital marketing major from San Dimas, CA. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland.

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