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Alexandra Muessel | Faces of Midland


Take New Chances

Alexandra Muessel has been around the “small town” feeling her whole life, so going to Midland just made sense. Growing up, she enjoyed school and knew she wanted to pursue a career that would challenge her. That is probably what led her to enrolling in the Exercise Science program at Midland.

As a member of the women’s track and cross country teams, working hard and pushing herself is nothing new to Alexandra. While balancing being a student-athlete, she has also taken up other involvements like Human Performance Leadership Council, S.A.A.C, and Cardinal Key Honor Society. And if you thought that was a lot, she also works as the Human Performance office assistant.

An accomplishment that has made Alexandra proud during her time at Midland is being able to join an honor society.

“I am proud to be in Cardinal Key and am proud of all the volunteer opportunities I have been able to accomplish in it.”

After graduation, Alexandra plans to attend graduate school to obtain a doctorate degree in physical therapy. She hopes to fulfill her dream to be a physical therapist that specializes in neuromuscular disorders.

For Alexandra, being a Warrior is taking each and every opportunity given to you. It’s taking new chances and facing them head on. Being a Warrior is being a leader. And that’s exactly what she has done during her time here on campus. Like many other students like her, she has also faced obstacles during her college career, like struggling with harder classes within her curriculum. 

“I’ve had many challenges in my life, but through hard work and determination, I have been able to overcome them. Being a science major, you take some hard classes, but Midland has many opportunities to enhance your learning through supplemental instruction or tutors. I’ve had many great opportunities and experiences that have made me learn and grow as a person, and I cannot wait to continue to grow.”

When she’s not busy on campus, Alexandra is watching crime documentaries and dancing to Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. She was even in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade her senior year of high school.

Before graduation, she leaves her fellow Warriors with one piece of advice.

“Do what you are afraid to do. Take new chances and challenges. You never know how they are going to change your life. A lot of the things I am passionate about doing is from taking chances I never thought I would do. Work hard towards your degree, but also give yourself time to enjoy college. It definitely goes fast, but the memories are a lifetime.”

Alexandra Muessel is a senior Exercise Science major with a minor in Nutrition from Prague, NE. To share your story or nominate a friend, email or post using #FacesofMidland.

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