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Luther College of Arts & Sciences

Youth & Family Ministry

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Youth & Family Ministry

(Bachelor of Arts Degree)

Are you interested in serving the church? Do you enjoy working with people? Youth? Families? Elders? Earning a major in Youth & Family Ministry from Midland University opens doors to a wide range of vocation and further education opportunities.

The Youth & Family Ministry program is interdisciplinary—with focused attention to religion, sociology, psychology, and communication—that emphasizes three sets of core skills and knowledge necessary for work in ministry: (1) understanding of and appreciation for who human beings are, how they learn and understand the world, (2) an understanding of and appreciation for how human beings relate to one another in groups and organizations, and (3) an understanding of and appreciation for the Christian tradition. In addition to teaching skills and knowledge, our program firmly grounds students with real-world experience in various ministry settings.

So Much to Learn, So Many Ways to Grow

Our Youth & Family Ministry program emphasizes the Christian tradition, both historically and in its contemporary forms, an understanding of how people learn and engage with the world and analyze how people relate to each other. To help you develop these skills and abilities, we offer an interdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes courses in religion, sociology, psychology, and communication.

After graduation from Midland’s Youth & Family Ministry program, you will be able to:

  • Identify core psychological and sociological concepts and apply them to ministry settings
  • Describe key approaches in biblical interpretation and use selected approaches to interpret biblical passages
  • Trace the history of core theological concepts in the Christian tradition and how these concepts relate to major world religions
  • Develop and critically evaluate curriculum or programs for use in ministry settings.
Real-World Experience

The Youth & Family Ministry major includes two internship experiences that firmly ground you with real-world experience in various ministry settings. One internship comes at the beginning of your time at Midland, the other during your senior year. You can design your internships to reflect your ministry interests and to develop your unique gifts and skills. You’ll be able to put your learning into action, build a resume, and identify where to best use your talents.

Dual Majors

Many Youth and Family Ministry majors choose to dual major in areas like Psychology, Sociology, History, and Business. A student completing two majors can take the compressed major in Religion and Philosophy.

Career Opportunities

Midland University’s Youth and Family Ministry major prepares students with the tools to succeed in a wide range of careers. Students pursue these employment sectors and careers at organizations such as:

  • Foundation for Peace
  • Girl Scouts
  • Nonprofit Business
  • Pastors
  • Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
  • Student Development
  • Youth Encounter


A full list of Midland University courses and credit information can be found in the Academic Catalog.

View the Academic Catalog


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