Academic Core Experience (ACE)
At Midland University each student progresses through an academic core experience during their four years of study. The DRIVE framework puts the student in the driver’s seat of their future. The student journey begins on day one as they navigate their personalized roadmap. This university-wide framework is designed to develop skills, create experiences and prepare students to set their course for success. The DRIVE framework is built on five key attributes – Digital Fluency, Research & Critical Thinking, Innovation, Vocation & Leadership, and Engagement & Expression.
DRIVE Framework

Digital Fluency
Students master digital tools and transform from users of technology to creators within their chosen field.

Research & Critical Thinking
Students investigate ideas, identify credible sources of information, and translate facts into meaningful analysis.

Students consider new ways of thinking about everyday issues and identify the steps needed to turn ideas into action.

Vocation & Leadership
Students explore their interests and personal strengths to transform their passion into a profession.

Engagement & Expression
Students observe and experience diverse perspectives changing from spectator to participant on local, national, and global issues.
The DRIVE framework is built into courses, co-curricular activities, athletic teams, and the performing arts, and students are developing skills in the attribute areas both in and outside of the classroom.
Success Courses
These courses are part of the Academic Core Experience.
MID101: The Midland University Experience provides students with the information, skills, and direction needed to create a foundation for academic and career success. In this course, students: learn about accessing available University resources; become aware of individual preferences for learning and functioning in the workplace, use a Strengths-based approach to identify and develop their top five (5) individual Strengths; explore academic major and minor requirements; and develop the behaviors needed to support holistic academic, personal, and professional development.
All new freshmen who meet Midland’s admissions requirements complete MID101 during their first semester. MID101 is a one-credit-hour course that is co-facilitated by a faculty or staff member and a current Midland Student Co-Facilitator, so new students get the opportunity to start building their Midland network from the beginning.
MID103: Warrior Academic Success Seminar I provides students with the information, skills, resources, and direction needed to create a foundation for academic and personal success. Students explore strategies for increasing: personal awareness, motivation, and self-management; study skills; and capacity for lifelong learning.
All new freshmen who are conditionally admitted to Midland complete MID103 during their first semester. MID103 is a two-credit hour course co-facilitated by a faculty or staff member and a current Midland Student Co-Facilitator, so new students get the opportunity to start building their Midland network from the beginning. MID103 includes all of the content covered in MID101 in addition to including additional academic support resources. After completing MID103 in the fall semester, most students continue on to enroll in MID104 for the spring semester.
MID104: Warrior Academic Success Seminar II provides students with the additional skills, resources, and direction needed to create a Midland University graduation plan. In this course, students will further develop skills to strengthen academic and personal development and goal achievement.
MID104 is a one-credit-hour course that is facilitated by a staff member. The course is a great opportunity for students to remain connected with their MID103 facilitator and classmates. Students who earn a 2.75 cumulative GPA during the fall semester of their freshman year and earn an A- or higher in MID103 are exempt from taking MID104.
Each section of MID101 and MID103 is taught by a Midland faculty or staff member and a current Midland Student Co-Facilitator. Co-Facilitating a section of MID101 or MID103 is an excellent opportunity that allows students to gain meaningful leadership experience while improving their communication and time management skills. Student Co-Facilitators have a unique opportunity to help and guide first-year Midland students by sharing their experiences with them. This leadership position also encourages students to develop relationships with staff, faculty, and peers.
A benefit to co-facilitating MID101 or MID103 is the opportunity to enroll in MID200: Leadership Development Seminar. In MID200 students learn about common classroom strategies, develop lesson plans and presentations, and often reflect on their experience co-facilitating a college-level course.
Student Co-Facilitators go through a competitive application process that includes submitting an application and interviewing with the Director of the Academic Core Experience. Applications are available early each spring semester, and all students will be notified of this opportunity via email.
MID201: Career Development provides students with the tools and strategies needed to navigate the professional decision-making process. Assessment tools will be utilized to help students understand their strengths and interests as they relate to their major and career goals. Topics covered include: major exploration, interviewing skills, the internship search and preparation process and identifying ways outside of the classroom to gain knowledge and experience. Students will complete a professional portfolio that will support them in their career selection and preparation process at Midland and beyond graduation.
All students complete MID201 during their sophomore year. MID201 is a one-credit hour course co-facilitated by a faculty or staff member and a current Midland Student Co-Facilitator, so there is plenty of support navigating the career exploration process.